Corporate Insiders Group

Data and insights from Fortune 1000 peers

We survey our panel of roughly 200 communications and public affairs executives at Fortune 1000 or equivalent companies on headlining issues and emerging trends impacting reputational risk.

The Corporate Insiders Group provides data and insights via:

Pulse surveys

Designed to quickly understand the different options being considered when issues appear to demand a prompt response from corporations (e.g., the Anniversary of the October 7th Attack)

Quarterly sentiment surveys

Designed to track top trending societal issues within corporate America and how strategic approaches to navigating these issues are evolving

Annual survey

Designed to evaluate the best practices, common principles, and organizational approaches corporations are employing to manage societal issues and how these are evolving year over year


Partnering with organizations such as Axios ensures Corporate Insider Group’s data and insights reach a wider audience, establishing the survey group as an indispensable tool for communicators

Pulse Polls Survey, Hopefully Quarterly Updates, Hopefully Annual Reports, Hopefully cisQ3
Get in touch to learn more

Axios-Gravity Communications Partnership

Thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Axios Communicators to produce an insight-packed report. The Axios-Gravity Research Communications Report, which taps into Gravity Research’s Corporate Insiders Group, explores themes vital to communicators in 2025. We explore how executives are:

  • Managing evolving stakeholder expectations and needs
  • Keeping up with rapid technological advancements such as AI
  • Continually monitoring the social issue landscape

As an Insider, you'll benefit from:



Topline insights from every survey you participate in



Primers on top trending societal issues

Workshops and Webinars

Workshops and Webinars

Workshops and webinars to discuss trending issues

Peer-to-peer dinners

Peer-to-peer dinners

Invitations to peer-to-peer dinners designed for off-the-record sharing

Corporate Insider Perspectives

View our latest insights from our Corporate Insiders Group below.

Corporate Response

Corporate Response

As we near the October 7 anniversary and HRC participation in question, Fortune 1000 communicators are building strategies for how to engage.

Read more.

Q3 Reputational Risks

Q3 Reputational Risks

As we enter 2H, political expression and employee activism are at an all-time high. Here are the top three reputational risks Fortune 1000 leaders expect to face.

Read more.

Election Planning

Election Planning

How are leaders at the biggest companies in the world are thinking, feeling, and planning around the 2024 election and its potential aftermath?

Read more.

Learn how our other offerings can help

Political and Reputational Vetting

Political and Reputational Vetting

Mitigate political risk and ensure your PAC donations align with your organizational values.

Procurement Influence Mapping

Procurement Influence Mapping

Identify buyers and develop strategies to grow your government partnerships.

Stakeholder Influence Analysis

Stakeholder Influence Analysis

Engage the stakeholders most critical to your success.

Explore all